The Safe Fall Secrets For Elders will be available on 02.01.23

Protect your freedom!

Discover How To Fall Safely And Keep living the life you love

For Seniors Who Want to overcome the fear of falling, age gracefully, be  in control of their lives

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Safe Fall Secrets For Elders
The Safe Fall Secrets For Elders Training Course is everything you need to keep living the life you love and protect your freedom.
Safe Fall Secrets For Elders
Pay with 5 instalments
The Safe Fall Secrets For Elders Training Course is everything you need to keep living the life you love and protect your freedom. (5 Payments of $110= $550)

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What Would You Get From:

Safe Fall Secrets For Elders Training Course

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If you fall, you'll know what to do to prevent a major injury.

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Now you can go out with confidence. Visit your friend and family.

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You will recover physical capabilities you thought you had lost.

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When the next happens, you have a solution in your head. Ready to be executed automatically.

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Your fear of falling will reduce. You are aware, but fear does not control you.

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If you fall, you'll know what to do to prevent a major accident.

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Now you can go out with confidence. Visit your friend and family.

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You will recover physical capabilities you thought you had lost.

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You will improve the way you walk, and have better control of your surroundings.

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Your fear of falling will reduce. You are aware, but fear does not control you.

My Training Program Already Helped

Hundreds of Seniors

Avoid The Horrors Of Injuries Of An Accidental Fall

You will Notice a distinct Pattern WHEN you talk to MY STUDENTS who FELL

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The accidental fall happened in a blink of an eye

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In real-time, there is no time for preparations

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The change of the mindset that happened within the training made a great deference

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The execution of the safe fall happened automatically

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The execution of the safe fall happened automatically

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In real-time, there is no time for preparations

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The change of the mindset that happened within the training made a great deference

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The execution of the safe fall happened automatically

There is a great difference between the outcome of the fall before and after the practice of the "Your Fall Control" method.

Is it even possible

to Overcome The Fear of Falling?

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Take Marlene for example.

She is in her late 70s and her health is mostly well.

She lives with her husband whom she married about 50 years ago. They have a son and a daughter.

Marlene was a social worker for 40 years and she feels proud when she remembers the achievement she had with her clients. She loves her son and daughter and her grandchildren and enjoys spending time with them.

They live nearby in a house they own. When the grandchildren were younger, she used to take them to her home after school twice a week. Her husband was a lawyer and is also retired now.

They live comfortably with their savings and their pension.

They have the financial freedom to travel and to live anywhere, however they choose to stay close to their family.

Marlene practices Pilates twice a week. She and her husband walk together, for an hour, 3 times a week. She has some health conditions, but overall she feels healthy and she takes pride in her schedule and activities.

She loves to read and watch her favorite TV shows, meets with her friends at least twice a week to catch up and to gossip.

Until lately...

She noticed that her balance is deteriorating and she is now afraid of falling.

She remembers her mom after she had fallen and how she became a dependent person after one fall, the first in a series of falls.

The fall that changed the life of the entire family.

Since that fall, her mom's life and hers changed dramatically. Her mom became needy and hardly left the house.

They tried to help her stay in the house she loved, but she needed special care that was too costly to be provided at her home.

After some time Marlene made the necessary arrangements and moved her mom to a care home, where she died 5 years later as a shadow of what she used to be.

Marlene does not want to end her life like her mom. She wants to stay independent till the day she dies.

She practiced some dedicated balance exercises but it is not enough.

She still does not feel safe...

She is looking for another solution to help her overcome the danger of the fall and stay independent.

And that's when she found out about my training program...

She enrolled to one of my classes and have applied what she learned to keep living the life she loves independently.

How about you?

Would you like to protect your freedom and be in control of your life?

If you want to stay independent, healthy, and keep living the life you love, then my new training program is for you! (see below)

The "Safe Fall Secrets For Elders Training Course"


Keep Living The Life You Love And Protect Your Freedom

Age Gracefully. Stay Independent.

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Full Access: Safe Fall Secrets For Elders Training Course ($797 Value)

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Get the most of this course - Start here

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The big secret: it's relaxation not strength

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Prepare your body for better life

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Falling made easy and safe

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You are ready to fall better

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Use it or lose it

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The full suit of fall control

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Get the most of this course - Start here

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The big secret: it's relaxation not strength

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Prepare your body for better life

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Falling made easy and safe

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You are ready to fall better

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Use it or lose it

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The full suit of fall control

7 reasons

to Enroll To The "Safe Fall Secrets For Elders" Training Course

Reason #1: Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias,numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt,recusandae.

Reason #2: Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias,numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt,recusandae.

Reason #3: Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias,numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt,recusandae.

Reason #4: Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias,numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt,recusandae.

Reason #5: Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias,numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt,recusandae.

Reason #6: Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias,numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt,recusandae.

Reason #7: Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias,numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt,recusandae.

what others are saying:

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THE 7-chapters

Safe Fall Secrets For Elders Training Course




Get the most of this course - Start here

  • Lesson 1: How to train, enjoy and be safe
  • Lesson 2: Avoid the vicious cycle
  • Lesson 3: Pick up your momentum

The big secret: it's relaxation not strength

  • Lesson 1: What is the correct relaxation
  • Lesson 2: How to practice the correct relaxation
  • Lesson 3: How to prepare for action




The big secret: it's relaxation not strength

  • Lesson 1: What is the right relaxation
  • Lesson 2: How to practice the right relaxation
  • Lesson 3: How to prepare for action




Prepare your body for better life

  • Lesson 1: Sit down, relax and get flexible
  • Lesson 2: Lie down, breathe and move better
  • Lesson 3: Own the plan you will persist

Falling made easy and safe

  • Lesson 1: Know how to fall safely
  • Lesson 2: Safely try the method
  • Lesson 3: Practice safely the most common fall




Falling made easy and safe

  • Lesson 1: Know how to fall safely
  • Lesson 2: Safely try the method
  • Lesson 3: Practice safely the most common fall




You are ready to fall better

  • Lesson 1: Now you can go beyond
  • Lesson 2: Practice the safe fall sideways safely
  • ​Lesson 3: Safely train the real deal

Use it or lose it

  • Lesson 1: The power of your habit
  • Lesson 2: You own your armour - polish it




Use it or lose it

  • Lesson 1: The power of your habit
  • Lesson 2: You own your armour - polish it




The Full Suit Of Fall Control

  • Lesson 1: Regain your balance before the fall

plus these

Time-Limited BONUSES

Bonus #1

4 Weekly Online Lessons

The most important thing you can do to preserve your quality of life is to train.

Great news! A set of 4 weekly online lessons has been prepared for you so you can train at home in our ZOOM classes. This is the place to ask questions and get personal correctios on your training. The tools and practices we teach can be repeated at home and practiced at any time.

Value: $197

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Bonus #1

4 Weekly Online Lessons

The most important thing you can do to preserve your quality of life is to train.

Great news! A set of 4 weekly online lessons has been prepared for you so you can train at home alone or in our ZOOM classes. The tools and practices we teach can be repeated at home and practiced at any time.

Value: $197

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Bonus #2

Email Consulting - Answer Within 24 Hours

Falls can cause not only harm to physical health but also to mental health. One of my tools is listening and patience in order to learn what are the abilities, strengths, difficulties, needs and desires of the patient and his family.

I will respond to your email within 24 hours.

Value: Priceless

Grand Opening on 02.01.23

The members' section with all the tools and templates will be ready to welcome you on 01.15.23. But if you decide to join the program before it starts, I have a special bonus for you.

reserve your Spot before we launch and get this FAST-Action Bonus

On the launch day (01.15.23), the bonus listed below won't be for FREE as part of this training course anymore. But you can grab it now for FREE in this pre-sale period.

FAST-Action Bonus:

Tai Chi Balance Secrets

Numerous studies have been conducted to test the effectiveness of Tai Chi as a practice to prevent falls in adults. Today the subject has been proven and Tai Chi practice is recommended by RAND Pain Health organizations around the world and by NCOA (National Council on Aging).

Tai Chi is practiced in a series of slow, soft, and continuous movements that activate all the organs and muscles of the body. It requires dedication and months if not years to master it.

This course provides you with the balance the range of movement advantages of the Tai Chi, without the need of the long and tedious practicing of the Tai Chi form.  

The purpose of the course is:

1. Have the immediate benefits of practicing Tai Chi

2. Improved balance and control of the surroundings without the hassle of the tedious practice of Tai Chi

Thus improves the quality of life.

Value: $297

P.S. We'll be selling this as a standalone course later, but you can get it for FREE only during this presale period.

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Numerous studies have been conducted to test the effectiveness of Tai Chi as a practice to prevent falls in adults. Today the subject has been proven and Tai Chi practice is recommended by RAND Pain Health organizations around the world and by NCOA (National Counsil on Aging).

Tai Chi is practiced in a series of slow, soft, and continuous movements that activate all the organs and muscles of the body. This practice strengthens the supporting muscles and the spine. Controlling every movement with an emphasis on precision and posture improves range of motion and coordination. The slow and continuous movement contributes to a sense of calm and reduces the risk of falling while practicing.

The purpose of the course is:

1. Have the immediate benefits of practicing Tai Chi

2. Improved balance and control of the surroundings without the hassle of the tedious practice of Tai Chi

Thus improves the quality of life.

Value: $297

P.S. We'll be selling this as a standalone course later, but you can get it for FREE only during this presale period.

The "Safe Fall Secrets For Elders Training Course"


Keep Living The Life You Love And Protect Your Freedom

Age Gracefully. Stay Independent.

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Full Access: Safe Fall Secrets For Elders Training Course ($797 Value)

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Get the most of this course - Start here

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The big secret: it's relaxation not strength

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Prepare your body for better life

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Falling made easy and safe

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You are ready to fall better

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Use it or lose it

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The full suit of fall control

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Get the most of this course - Start here

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The big secret: it's relaxation not strength

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Prepare your body for better life

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Falling made easy and safe

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You are ready to fall better

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Use it or lose it

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The full suit of fall control

Bonus #1: 4 Weekly Online Lessons ($197 value)

Bonus #2: Email Consulting - Answer Within 24 Hours (Priceless)

Fast-Action Bonus: Tai Chi Balance Secrets ($297 value)

"Hi, I am Ido Laufer...

... and I have trained hundreds of seniors how to fall safely keeping them healthy, independent, and living the life they love."

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My name is Ido Laufer, I am a martial arts specialist, martial arts therapist, and an Instructor of Aikido, Tai-Chi, Chi-Kong, and boxing. I served in the Israeli special forces. I married my beautiful wife in the year 2000 and we have 3 great sons.

After my father fell and injured himself in 2014, I developed a falling technique and teaching method, especially for seniors. I wanted to make sure that both my parents would remain independent even if they fell again.

Since then, I have taught hundreds of seniors how to fall safely. Many of them have already fallen successfully, got back up, and moved on, without the need for medical assistance. Learn today and enjoy your golden years to their fullest!

I also hold an Engineering Degree and a Post-Graduate Degree in Engineering.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

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Look. Let's be honest.  You don't know me (probably).  I don't know you.

Why you should trust me when there is a high chance you have bought a course before from somebody else (who you didn't know at that time) and it flopped, right?

I decided to take all the risk from your shoulders and give you full 30 days to go through the program.

Because it's a presale and the Safe Fall Secrets For Elders Training Course is going to be launch on 02.01.23. Your guarantee is extended until 03.03.23.

During this time you can decide if it's worth the price. If not, just send us an e-mail to and we'll send you a refund right away!

Say Goodbye to...

Say goodbye to losing independence. The training course will teach you how not to break a bone during an accidental fall leading to keeping your independence.

Say goodbye to humiliation. Keep away frombeing in a situation where you're found lying on the ground after a fall without the ability to stand up in front of a crowd asking if you need help

Say goodbye to hospitalization. 50% of the elderly that are being hospitalized due to an accidental fall, do not survive the following year!

Overcome Your Fear Of Falling

Learn how to fall safely and protect your freedom!

Say Goodbye to...

Say goodbye to losing independence. The training course will teach you how not to break a bone during an accidental fall leading to keeping your independence.

Say goodbye to humiliation. Keep away frombeing in a situation where you're found lying on the ground after a fall without the ability to stand up in front of a crowd asking if you need help

Say goodbye to hospitalization. 50% of the elderly that are being hospitalized due to an accidental fall, do not survive the following year!

Overcome Your Fear Of Falling

Learn The Safe Fall Secrets For Elders and protect your freedom!

Frequently Asked Questions

Will it be effective during a real fall? "It happens so fast"

There are 3 answers to it:

1. When we do not know how to react, we freeze. It is true with all of our activities, and double so when we face a fall. However, when our brain has a solution stored, the brain can execute it. When we practice our falls we react automatically, without freezing.
2. My teaching is based on martial arts practices and the best-known teaching methods of martial arts. Practicing martial arts is all about performing against our instincts. For example, not shutting our eyes when an opponent thrusts a box to our face. In order to overcome it, we train again and again until it becomes our natural response.
3. Dozens of my students have already fallen and executed my technique in real-time. They tell me about two scenarios: A. they executed the technique automatically. There was no time to think, and they just did it. B. Time slowed down and they recalled my teachings and prevailed.

I have the X problem; Can I still learn it?

After a certain age, we all accumulate injuries and physical restraints. Your Fall Control method was created assuming that all students may be restricted in one way or the other. The training is moderate and safe, allowing you to adjust the exercises to your current capabilities. With time your capabilities will improve, and you will be able to perform better. These improved physical capabilities will in addition improve your everyday quality of life.

How much time does it take to learn? How long do I need to practice?

You can pick up the technique in as short as two weeks. However, further practice brings better performance. In addition, we and our bodies tend to forget if we do not practice.

Everybody tell me I need to strengthen my body for fall prevention, why do you instruct to relax?

A strong body is an important factor for a good quality of life. But, when we confront a fall, it is most important to relax and let go of our body. It allows us to regain our balance, and in the case of a fall, a relaxed body will softly hit the ground and will prevent a grave impact.

Relaxing is natural, why do I need to learn it?

Unfortunately, relaxing is not natural especially as we get older. We accumulate stress and it does not come easy for us to relax. In addition, there are a few kinds of relaxation. Falling safely requires a specific relaxation to untense the muscles in real time.

How often do I need to practice it?

You can learn to fall as fast as in 2 weeks. Some of my students survived a fall safely after just one lesson. They just remembered how to relax their bodies and it was enough for that time. That being said, the more you practice, the technique will become more natural to you and you will be able to execute it better in real time.

How can I relax when I fall? It is not natural.

Learning to flow with the fall, is not natural if you are not familiar with it. When you practice and are familiar with the fall route, it is less frightening and more familiar, so you can perform it in a much more relaxed manner. In addition, one of the practices is to visualize your fall. The more you visualize, it gets better and deeper in your system, preparing you to execute the safe fall in real time.

What does visualization have to do with falls?

Mental preparation is most important. This is why one of the practices is to visualize your fall. The more you visualize it, the better and deeper in your system, preparing you to execute the safe fall in real time.

Do I need to practice it?

Like every physical activity, the more we practice the better we become. In addition, when we stop practicing, our body forgets. However, all you need to do is practice one hour a week in an online ZOOM lesson or with the recorded course. Comparing the effort to the outcome, the training is minimal. In addition, the benefits of the training are also a dramatic improvement in everyday activity and quality of life.

The "Safe Fall Secrets For Elders Training Course"


Keep Living The Life You Love And Protect Your Freedom

Age Gracefully. Stay Independent.

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Full Access: Safe Fall Secrets For Elders Training Course ($797 Value)

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Get the most of this course - Start here

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The big secret: it's relaxation not strength

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Prepare your body for better life

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Falling made easy and safe

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You are ready to fall better

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Use it or lose it

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The full suit of fall control

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Get the most of this course - Start here

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The big secret: it's relaxation not strength

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Prepare your body for better life

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Falling made easy and safe

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You are ready to fall better

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Use it or lose it

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The full suit of fall control

Bonus #1: 4 Weekly Online Lessons ($197 value)

Bonus #2: Email Consulting - Answer Within 24 Hours (Priceless)

Fast-Action Bonus: Tai Chi Balance Secrets ($297 value)

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YFC 2022 שקוף_לבן png

If you have any questions or need further information, please email us at

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